Laura Fiorentino
“Find your truth, take her by the hand and dwell together in love…always in love.” – Laura Fiorentino
I grew up and was educated in New England; its influence is undeniable, yet Virginia is home, and it is there I enjoy my garden with my beloved kitties, Jefferson and Adams, who both romp among the perennials while I weed. When not gardening, I write and read those whose words have stood the test of time. I am humbled by their talent.
The Book
This is the story behind the story, one woman’s willingness to look within, discern life as it is, take responsibility, work through co-dependency and a spiritual recalibration to an awakening of an empowered self.
God Does Not feed the Birds…I do is my story told from four perspectives- girl, teenager, mother and wife. It is a story of pain, fear, anger and a desire for acceptance and love. My unanticipated divorce triggers deep seeded emotional turmoil that compels me to seek healing from a spiritual guide who supports my journey back to self and encourages me to seek the divine within.

Interests & Goals
I have the ability to communicate well and I’m able to write to a specified purpose, I understand the power of words and their potential to impact individuals.
Skills and Interests: writing thumbnail sketches of people using biographical information, writing concise narratives of an individual across settings, writing summaries of data, writing curriculum, developing multi-faceted lesson plans, blogging.
I enjoy sharing and communicating with audiences both virtually and live. My desire is to create a safe space for us in which we can openly and honestly discover our common humanity. Topics include self-growth, trust, self-love and living an abundant spiritual life.
To write provocative and literary relevant stories that stimulate thought and touch the human heart.
“All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know.”
Ernest Hemingway
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Contact Laura Fiorentino
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